“Say it with me..almond milk does NOT make everything better!”

1 Aug

Those were the words of my lovely husband after tasting my smoothie disaster and promptly gagging. I don’t know what went wrong! It had blackberries, blueberries, frozen bananas, mango, baby spinach, and almond milk. Somehow it turned into a black sludge, so I added even more almond milk. The results were not very pleasing..it was too sickly sweet and the almond milk was kind overpowering. Which was odd, because I adore almond milk. I wished I had some orange juice or something citrusy to add to it, but alas I did not. So I had the bright idea to add water! Because what adds more flavor than water, right? *sigh* It was after the addition of the water that my husband tasted it and had trouble controlling his stomach contents. 🙂 Oh well. I reckon I’ll just have to keep tweaking to get the monster I want, because today’s certainly was not it.

Have any of you heard of the show Huge on ABC Family? I have fallen in love with it. The story takes place at Camp Victory, which is a camp for overweight teenagers to go to. The idea is that while at camp they not only exercise, eat right and lose weight, but they explore their issues with food and their bodies. The main character is a girl named Willamena (Will) Rader, played by Nikki Blonsky. She is there because her family sent her, but she fights against changing her body. She simply doesn’t feel the need to. As she puts it in the first episode, “My fat is my bff!”. I don’t want to give away the story so I won’t go into too many details, but it’s a really awesome series. I think it’s absolutely amazing to have such a show on tv because it’s not like the focus of the show is LOSE WEIGHT, it’s BE HEALTHY! It explores way more than a number on the scale, and I think that is crucial for young people especially. Speaking of healthy, check out Angela’s Size Healthy post. I found it a few days ago and I really enjoyed it.

Laundry and working out are calling my name, but I will be back later tonight with a post about body image, being chained to the scale, and things of that nature. See you then! 😀

6 Responses to ““Say it with me..almond milk does NOT make everything better!””

  1. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin August 1, 2010 at 7:30 PM #

    Sorry to hear about your smoothie “disaster!” I’ve totally had my fair share of those, too! I think the trick is definitely to have fresh lemons around the house at all times! Lemon juice really helps cut the sweetness– and I like my smoothies not-too-sweet. Hopefully you’ll have a better experience tomorrow! 🙂

    I’ve seen an ad for that show, HUGE, but didn’t realize it was already on! Sounds like a great show, so I’ll see if I can catch it!

    • April August 1, 2010 at 9:48 PM #

      I’m the same way about my smoothies. I really would rather have them orange juice based, but I wonder if they’re still considered a smoothie if they don’t have any milk type product in them? lol 🙂

      I hope you get a chance to watch it! The next new episode comes on tommorow at 9pm.

  2. Tina August 1, 2010 at 8:21 PM #

    We don’t get ABC Family, but I do like that the show has a focus on being healthy and that it will discuss topics that need to be covered for families and youth.

    Sorry about the smoothie disaster. It sounds like something that would happen to me with my crazy kitchen escapades.

    • April August 1, 2010 at 9:48 PM #

      If you decide you want to watch it, you can always watch it on the abc family website 🙂

  3. rachael August 2, 2010 at 10:51 AM #

    I hate smoothie disasters! I have had really bad luck with blackberries in smoothies myself.

    • April August 2, 2010 at 1:06 PM #

      Me too 😦 Maybe next time I will leave out the blackberries!

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